Aminet 37
Aminet 37 (2000)(Schatztruhe)[!][Jun 2000].iso
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## ##
## VersCheck V2.20 (+), final version of VersCheck2 ##
## ------------------------------------------------ ##
## See "NewInThisVersion" for more informations! ##
## ##
Begin at V 2.3 because in V 2.2 the guide was fixed for ATO
translations. From this point, the history is this single file.
All older informations are inside the VersCheck Guides.
Not every listed version was also released! But I uploaded them
to my homepage or give them away for testing. The new version
is only to define the exactly stand of programming to every
It happens also that a new release come out and the program has
the same version. In this cases any other part of the archive
is changed. Most the MUIclassGuide or the HandlerGuide.
Released version +
date when finished What was changed or new in this versions?
V 2.20 / 23.02.1999 - Bugfix in ENV-config for version command. If
line end with a newline, the external program
start forces a guru. Changes needed for full
compatibility with VersCheck V3 (coming soon).
V 2.19 / 15.12.1999 - The search for version numbers work's now nearly
perfect. Rewritten!
- Based of an idea by Michael Malyshev
<michael_malyshev@mail.ru>, a statistic is new
- New catalog files.
- New ENV: variables and new defaul settings.
- New ansi output as default, can be deactivated.
- Problem with the requesters fixed, Now only using
asl requester.
- Scripts: Check_Your_System changed to work correct
with the ENV: settings.
- Install script changed for better ENV: settings.
- Add new information at the begin and the end of the
installer script (e.g., version).
Add/change of document install function for changed
and new documents.
- Bugfix with empty env-variables.
- Multiple read's of env VerCOM fixed.
V 2.18 / 11.12.1999 - Bugfix in the installerscript (line 1006)
- Changes intern, little changes at the functions
fom 2.17 (only for a better design).
V 2.17 / 06.12.1999 - Version compare 100 percent rewritten to handle
the versions in a new (hopefull better) way.
Now I've done, what I never want. A 'hope so'
analysis. The problem: The compare can't work
right, if both version fields in a class exists,
but only one is correct updated. OK, there are
a lot of way's to fix but no good one. And, NOW
I know, why DVC has a requester "please inform
VersCheck has no requester, but VersCheck has
a messy (disabled in the past, reactivated).
Bevor this message comes, the version compare
analyse and work also with bad versions, if the
program MEANS to know the right version.
If the versions are bad, you see a '*' before
'-> version is', if analysed or not. Check this
entry's, the result of check could be wrong!
- better find versionnumber in a string with more
than one numerical part. In the past, the
search for the versionnumber start at left and
end's after the first number or group of
numbers. REMEMBER the RKRM say's:
'name_of_class ver.rev (dd.tt.jjjj) comments'
This was a problem in the past:
"Personal 68060 Blit Library 2.1 (30.01.97)"
the version found = 68060
The new function search for the first ( and
then looks for a version in front of it. If
not found, the old functions is used. In my
tests the results are very good.
V 2.16 / 03.12.1999 - A problem in the classes list appears, if the
version is ok, the second version old and the
ClassList has an entry like :name 1.1 (10/10/99)
To fix that problem, I cut such strings after
the version where nothing should be.
Greetings to Michael in ru! Problem fixed!
V 2.15a/ 30.11.1999 - I programming nonsence and nobody see it :-)
Version of Kick has show WB and WB shows Kick.
Now corrected.
V 2.15 / 28.11.1999 - A problem with MUI Classes corrected. In the MUI
classes test the '.mcp' are not compared.
- Found a second problem in the new filerequest.
Disabled, old request enabled, this is more and
at the moment is no time for this.
V 2.14a/ 24.11.1999 - Translations for suomi arrived and all new files
included, installer updated
V 2.14 / 23.11.1999 - AFD-COPYRIGHT included
- Install-script:
- translation of two added languages for france
- add AFD-COPYRIGHT in fileslist
- Using Check_Your_System, selection "filerequester"
do not work (illegal option). The reason, a bug in
the getargs-parser. Changing -0l CLASS as last
argument or put any char after l help. Like this,
for example: -0ll CLASS.
The problem in getargs is cleared. Also a lot of
semilar problems without effect in the moment.
The biggest problem is, that the functions was
correct (now dobble checked).
- Because trouble with the call of requester from
reqtools.library the ppc-program versions has
requestor=OFF as default. So I changed this now
to asl.library (seems working). Only the HTML-
ASK-request is not changed (coming soon).
- The MUIClasses.Guide and the compare for the
MUI classes know's now a faked version and the
patched classes show'n a warning.
V 2.13 / 20.11.1999 - This history is now hopefull better in layout
und usage.
- OS3.5 dosn't opened the catalog files. One
problem was found in the locale initialisation,
the other in the catalog source. Both corrected.
- Add france language in the installerscript and
also france guide and catalog to the archive.
- mmu.library is now an official release. Look in
the AmiNet, if you want or need more
- A lot of bugs and problems in the install script
corrected (nearly new written).
All needed functions for automatic update in the
future now included and tested.
- New OS3.5 compatible icons.
- Version of WB was wrong before (show's the kick
version). First seen after install OS 3.5 here.
- WARNING! Installation with InstallerNG v1.4
crashed (guru). Will be cleared soon.
The problem is, VersCheck writes the settings
of the installations to disk and use them at
later updates (you must nothing change!). But
this causes an internal typeconfikt in the
InstallerNG. Test with the original OS3.5
and also the OS3.1/OS3.0 Installer.works fine.
- Added new file xxxInfo to each list. The first
reason ist, to make possible to identify the
list and the version of the list. The second
reason is, to show this info to the user.
Important is: First line must be a AmigaOS
like $VER line. The others are free.
- New argument -! to show the xxxInfo as a
- New tooltypes:
DISPLAYINFO show the xxxInfo file as requester.
DIRSFILE activate the xxxDirs pathlist.
V 2.12 / 17.11.1999 - Never offizial released, only for an ATO
translators to check that all things working.
- Fixed a problem with the Check_Your_System
script. Since OS 3.5 the start by IconX crashes.
Now the stack is set in the icon, not only in
the script.
- Because most 68k versions crashed after start
I recompiled all. I think, one of the object
files was bad.
- Add czech catalog to the archive.
- Add polski language in the installerscript and
also polski guide and catalog to the archive.
V 2.11 / 02.11.1999 - A mistake in the english locale and the internal
english text corrected.
- A lot of problems in the english and the german
guides corrected.
- Add new feature xxxDirs for multiple directory
scan. This feature will be used if a xxxDirs file
exists and the feature -0l or -1 upto -5 use
a '*' in the argument, e.g. -1* or -0l* and so
on. So the program can scan more as one directory
at one programstart.
- Add requestorsON/OFF for multi dir scan. Now the
check for files can using a list of possible
directory's. If the exists, they are scanned. If
not, the entry is skipped, without error messages
or "please insert volume ..." requester.
- Various bugfixes.
- New function make an internal selftest at start.
If CPU and/or FPU at the system not match with
the compiled code, VersCheck print out an error
and stop immediatly before the CPU causes a trap
V 2.10 / 30.10.1999 - Recompilation with a updated vbcc for WarpOS.
- Added france language to the installerscripts
and Check_Your_System_france (language are NOT
added yet, it's only for testing).
- Added german translated version of the script:
V 2.9 / 23.10.1999 - Better version identification in the version
- Recursive search for resident tags.
- Most files will now correct displayed.
V 2.8 / 20.10.1999 - Changed the new function for a better output.
The output seem now to be correct.
V 2.7 / 19.10.1999 - Add new function to find out the version without
$VER-String. Special thanks to Thomas Richter for
his help. VersCheck scans now 3 differnt ways to
find the version. At the moment looks bad, but
works right (and better as before).
V 2.6 / 14.10.1999 - Internal functions excluded from VersCheck and
now included in the gateway.library.
V 2.5 / 10.10.1999 - Wrong errormessage in getargs() '-0' corrected.
V 2.4 / 08.10.1999 - VersCheck from 2.0 upto 2.3 don't work on PPC
systems. The bug is found and corrected. The
PPC versions are now added again to the archive.
- PPC versions in installerscript enabled.
V 2.3 / 07.10.1999 - Little bug in cli printout fixed. Now print an
empty line before the line "VersCheck-Request"
- ATO.readme added, translation project startet.
- Installerscript updated.
- This history added to the archiv.